The Pats lose the Superbowl to that blue-ish team that plays in New Jersey… 17-14. Unimaginable.
The darkness closes in on me. Torment. Confusion. Bewilderment. Despair.
All that was glory enters decay. All that was good has turned evil. The very seas bellow their discontent. The beasts will not rest. The toils will not cease. Let all taste wrath and flame and fire.
Let everything that has breath fear. Let everything that hath life fear. May the sun scorch the very earth. May the air chill the very bones of the strong and the meek. Let all abominations have this day.
Hope is lost. All hope is vanity. All sport is vanity… a chasing after the win. May it be vanity now and forevermore. May the very waters turn to blood. May the wind blow a poisonous fume over all.
Absolute horror.